Twitter permanently suspends account that created doctored video...

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Twitter permanently suspends account that created doctored video...

The first series, penned by Simon Nye of Men Behaving Badly fame, aired last autumn with the final episode attracting five million viewers who watched to find out if Mariette would leave for Paris alone. 

The gathering featured a who's who of the cricketing world, with retired Australian Test captains Mark Taylor, Allan Border and Michael Clarke attending along with former England skipper Michael Vaughan.

Guests were invited to wear St Kilda scarves and a pair of them were draped across Warne's coffin as it was driven around the oval to the sound of the 1970s Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes hit The Time of My Life.

Based on the children's book of the same name, Where the Wild Things Are will appeal to adults as much as younger viewers. A lonely boy escapes problems at home, including his parents divorce, by sailing off across a small pond that leads to an ocean. At the end, an island where he eventually rules over the fluffy and monstrous inhabitants. Exploring the facets of growing up, this fantasy adventure is a unique, occasionally melancholic picture book come to life.

People shouldn't feel they have to go to university' adding that vocational routes should not be seen as just 'hard hats and high vis jackets' but also highly technical professions including working on film sets.

'We should be encouraging more students to do T-Levels and apprenticeships - in contrast to most students who go to university and do not get good graduate jobs despite the great whacking loans they take out.'

Technically a superhero film, The Old Guard brings a swathe of impressive action scenes, popping off with each of star Charlize Theron's gunshots. Theron plays Andy, leader of a group of immortal mercenaries, including a knight who fought in the Crusades. The centuries-old warriors head out on a revenge mission, bringing progressive heroes and slick fights, although it can't dodge every cliché.

June 24 (Reuters) - Twitter Inc has permanently suspended the account of a rightwing online personality for violating its copyright policy, a week after he posted a doctored video of toddlers that was tweeted by President Donald Trump.

The original clip was a cheerful story of a viral video showing Black and white toddlers who were best friends; the doctored version added a misspelled banner flashing "Terrified todler runs from racist baby".

However the plan is controversial and others want a softer version of pupils needing to have passed either Maths or English at GCSE or have a minimum of two Es at A-Level to be able to attend university.

A government source said the aim is to tackle universities cynically offering degrees as 'silly' as 'David Beckham studies' while knowing they are unlikely to lead to better career or earnings prospects for young people.

Another source close to the actress told the Mail that Sabrina was in talks with ITV and had split from the agency who represented her as a result of the disagreement, which they described as 'sensitive'.

"I received a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown order this morning for that video, and a few hours later a suspension letter", Donktum posted website on Locals, another digital content platform.

Donktum's account was revoked in last July for eight days, over a video depicting Trump as a cowboy attacking CNN journalist Jim Acosta.

(Reporting by Maria Ponnezhath in Bengaluru Editing by Peter Graff)

She added: 'I felt very at home with everybody, sort of like falling down the rabbit hole and having a family overnight... After such a hard year for everybody, I think even being on set at all was such a privilege.' 

Netflix is bursting at the seams with the very best (and the very worst) of genre movies, and the fantasy realm is no exception. Starting at the top, a handful of classics will press your nostalgia buttons, before you dip into a huge range of subgenres, including fantasy dramas, superhero actioners and horrific horrors.

Twitter has repeatedly clashed with Trump since it began challenging his tweets in May.

The president has threatened to change laws on social media after Twitter labelled one of his tweets about postal voting inaccurate and hid a tweet about looting, which Twitter said fomented violence.

Steven Spielberg and the late Robin Williams bring us the most swashbuckling of adventures. Hook imagines an adult Peter Pan who becomes a workaholic lawyer, until his old nemesis captures his children and he must return to Neverland to save them. Although Hook tore audiences apart at the time of its release, drawing criticism for sentimentality and lack of freshness, its central performances from Williams as Peter and Dustin Hoffman as Captain Hook had people... well, you can finish that sentence.

Universities will be required to publish the drop-out rate and graduate job outcomes on every advert they put out for a degree, in the same way loans have to be upfront about APR, under plans being considered by the Education Secretary.